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Informuojame, kad Lietuvos boulingo federacijos valdyba, reaguodama į prasidėjusį karą Ukrainos teritorijoje bei besąlygiškai palaikydama mūsų brolius ir seses iš Ukrainos, kreipėsi į EBF su reikalavimu uždrausti Rusijos ir Baltarusijos sportininkams dalyvauti EBF organizuojamuose renginiuose ir varžybose.
Pridedame originalų kreipimosi į EBF tekstą:

"Dear colleagues,

At this very difficult time for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, the Lithuanian Bowling Federation appeals to EBF, to all European bowling federations, and the entire bowling community.

On February 24, Russia launched a brazen attack on the people of Ukraine, in violation of international law and basic principles of human rights, contemptuously invading sovereign country from all sides of its geographical borders and neighboring Belarus. Free and path of democracy chosen Ukrainians now face a brutal onslaught from land, sea and air, killing untold numbers of innocent children, women and men. Deplorable Russia's invasion of Ukraine shows where these trends can lead – and why they cannot be left unchallenged.

Many will say that sports and politics must be isolated. But for Russia and Belarus sports always have been and always will be part of political action. We call all European bowling representatives to be in solidarity with the Ukrainian people by taking brave and necessary action.

Lithuanian Bowling Federation are deeply convinced that the representatives of the nation, that brought the senseless war and military aggression to Europe, have no place in any international sports competition that carries light principles. Bowling is not an exception. We urge You to take the right decision and to ban the participation of all national representatives of the Russian Bowling Federation and the Belarussian Bowling Federation in all competitions under the auspices of EBF.

War and bowling balls covered in blood of innocent people have no place in the international bowling community.


Board of Lithuanian Bowling Federation"

Redaguota Antradienis, 01 Kovas 2022 14:08

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